first of all, yes, i seem to have basically stopped posting anything. i've decided to not worry about it, i'll post when i have something, instead of trying to make something come out. when you're writing a book, you can't try to force your creative writing, you gotta let it flow, otherwise its shite. some writers, such as stephen king, usually make one of their characters a writer, or ones hobby is writing, so when he has a serious case of writers block, he can write about how that character has writers block, and can keep writing about writers block, and come up with some very good metaphors for it. a sort of fiction reflecting life deal.
anyway, what i have that makes me write this delightful piece of a generically nice-but-not-too-nice-thing, is bigfoot. or sasquatch (saskatchewan?) abominable snowman. but not just a man like ape thats 7 ft tall with red eyes, also the lizard man of a small county in the south USA of essentially the same description, the sightings of the mothman, a flying 7ft tall entity with red eyes, shadow people or the Grinning man, Aliens (greys) lake monsters, chupacabra, and a bunch of other things (loveland frog, owlman, a batman-thing, jersey devil, quinkans, physically manifest demons (and otherwise) occasional vamp or werewolf sighting) that if i were to mention all of them, every name for each, then this would be way too long.
with all of these entities, people have claimed to see them. many, many people, some of whom weren't in their right mind at the time, some that were, some that clearly mistook something ordinary for something extraordinary (case in point this isn't the one i was thinking of, apparently its quite common in england) some that have a tale so extraordianary its hard to understand how that even became an idea in their head, unless something physical inspired it.
but theres no physical proof. when a bigfoot gets shot (countless witnesses have shot it, hit one with a car) he always manages to walk away, leaving spent bullets deep in treetrunks and cars badly damaged. there have never been hairs or scat or blood or anything that proves his existence - it is possible though, to find footprints, that occasionally go for quite a distance. one in particular is called the 'cripplefoot' tracks from washington state, that seem to show a deformity on one foot, identified as club foot. for other creatures stated above and others, its the same. well, more or less. you don't find lake monster footprints.
well, except - but i'm getting off topic.
so theres no physical proof, but many people have at least thought they've seen something, and many of these people are said to be usually honest and sane. and in many cases there a re multiple witnesses, in many cases unknown to each other, reporting the same thing, with slight differences.
(warning. statements made after this point may be insane. wearing a tin foil hat is advised, but not necessary. if you don't, you're probably a reptilian)
presuming the witnesses actually did see something, and using the presumed fact that it/they can be seen by people who are 'away' from society temporarily, or just alone, sort of, um, seperated temporarily from the 'hivemind' of society, and that it/they (or whatever) leave very few physical signs of their/its existence....
what if, all of these entities, are the same thing, and their form changes by something in the witnesses mind. not not physical, just something we can't properly percieve or understand, essentially a paranormal entity in the purest sense.
what if, they are some sort of mental construct by an entity, that needs to distract the witness for some reason. its not real, but people can see it, be manipulated by it, change course.. but of course, this one is frightening, as it makes you wonder what else might be a distraction. did you really have toast and eggs for breakfast? if so, was that your choice, or did something manipulate you in some small way to choose that option? why?
or perhaps, when groups (friends or strangers) of people temporarily leave the 'hivemind' of society, they, through an unidentified, traditionally impossible way, create their own temporary pocket of reality, which acts as the previous reality, but different. they see strange things, which leave their physical mark on that reality. they come back to our reality, which may not be the real one, simply the human one, where the physical marks do not exist. they insist it happened they saw it. but they don't realise its in a different reality. but because in this idea, people create reality, not physics, reality can change slightly. maybe bigfoot doesn't exist here, but a few footprints do. but thats scary too, because we have so much power, and we are incapable of controlling it. or that we choose this reality. whatever, man, its scary!
a couple of insane ideas that could maybe be true or something. maybe (prove me wrong)
also, theres a village in devon with the name WESTWARD HO!. i found it funny.
heres a video. a music video. for australia day.
are you not entertained? is this not why you are here?