Sunday, 22 May 2011

we're still here. random wikifacts, anyone?

so, the rapture thingy didn't happen (as far as we know), and the ball of life keeps rolling around the world. hmm, bad metaphor.
while i'm not surprised that the rapture didn't happen, and so i don't really feel anything about its lack of happening, i am happy that the family radio people didn't end up doing a big mass suicide - jonestown type thing. yet at least. apparently they had no 'plan B,' and a lot of people (counselors) want to make sure they can cope in a non-post rapture world.

because life goes on as usual, here are some more random things about the world, which still exists, from wikipedia, which also still exists.

the flat earth society is an organisation that seeks to further the belief that, as the name suggests, the earth is flat. sort of a hockey puck, surrounded by ice. for further proof on how serious they actually are, their current president is daniel shenton. they had a magazine, my two favourite article names are:
  • "Science Insults Your Intelligence" (Sep. 1980)

  • "World IS Flat, and That's That" (Sep. 1980)

  • also, juttejitsu is a martial art specialising in what is essentially a policemans hitting stick. i think they're batons. it would make sense for police to have compulsory training in it. someone with skills can disarm a person without harming them at all.

    look up 'the neverything', a series of short films released on the internet. it sounds, um, fascinating. ish. if you don't find anything by typing in 'the neverything,' type in 'lovely by surprise.'

    colin A. ross is a canadian psychiatrist who claims he can shoot beams of energy out of his eyes, that can cause a speaker to emit a tone. he wrote many scientific journals supporting this claim, some of which actually got published. despite admitting he had rigged the speaker to a biofeedback machine which responded to eyeblinks, he still insists his eyes have paranormal power.

    may you, dear reader, enjoy the time you have in this world, because, as we all know, you never know when you may have to leave. and, um, you know, all that jazz.

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