none of the blogs i subscribe to have had many new posts. i enjoy reading them, its nice reading the blog of a blogger with such obviously better blogging skills than me (try saying that 3 times fast). so i'm just a little dissapointed every time i've gone on the blogger dashboard, to find no new posts.
yeah, that pretty much means i'm bored, even though i do have other things to do, and i'm just writing this post for no real reason. just like nearly every other post.
did you know, that there is a finnish heavy metal band band called kilpi (which, in finnish, means shield), and they sing in finnish? could've knocked me down with a feather when i read that on wikipedia.
i'm going to try to make a blog post about libricide, the destruction of books, especially in ancient history. i found a random page in wikipedia (this is just me thinking, but maybe i spend too much time doing that) and i got the qin dynasty, which is well known and criticised for its burning of books and historical records (and killing of scholars) to make itself seem more important, and ensure it would be remembered. the fact i'm writing about them right now kinda makes me feel a bit sick.
this got me thinking about the many times throughout history a large amount of knowledge, not just historic records, has been destroyed, for various reasons. and, when you think about it, the many times it has been documented in sources is probably the tip of the iceberg, since if you're destroying knowledge, you don't want someone spreading that information do you?
so, yeah, i'll post that in a few days. its going to be awesome.
i want to post a video or something, but i can't think of any, and i'm not bored anymore so i don't want to search youtube for something.
oh, wait. this always makes me laugh, because people seem to think its a monster or something, when that is clearly just a bald man in the woods. i'd love to hear his side of the story.
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