Saturday, 2 April 2011

horadric cube app

go ahead. try. i dare you.
perhaps he was going to the formal of the sewing school he went to, and when some guys drove past in a stolen armored car filled with bank money, he threw the sewing machine, it crashed their car on the riverside, and he's like 'dude! the sewing machines OK! and i totally saved the day!'
but, that doesn't explain the angle of the car, or why the guy in the brown uniform looks unimpressed at the people taking the picture. and i'm not sure thats an armored car.

and check this out: its an april fools thing by blizzard, who always make the best april fools stuff. for some of the jokes, you need to know a little about blizzard, but most of its okay.

and if you ever get a chance to see the movie donnie darko, watch it. if you hate how in movies they need to explain even the most obvious part of the plot, this is the movie for you. i don't think i've ever seen a more thought provoking film.

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