Saturday, 9 April 2011

so... how about this weather, right?

ok, so... that last post was an insane rant about the world. awesome. it wasn't even a strictly legible rant, it had no structure and just... went crazy. reading it again, i don't know why i posted that. if you can pick out the basic point, or points - i'm not even sure which - it seems to be saying that the rebelion in libya is justified, and it is, and that the UN needs to be more aware of whats happening in the world, and not act selfishly. less talk more action, etc. all that jazz. its all been said before, and will be again. i would delete that post, but its  a large part of the evolution of this blog, and the picture of robert pattinson down the bottom makes me laugh till i cry. my sister sometimes uses it to win arguments with me.

but before i go into another huge rant about rants and the hypocrisy of saying 'less talk more action' in a blog...

this is called 'they're taking the hobbits to isengard'. go ahead guess why. i bet you'll never guess why.
i also want to say the music in the LOTR movies is awesome.

what gollum says at the end does not refer to this blog.

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